I Was Not Loved At Home.

Grace Amechi
4 min readNov 21, 2023


I cannot count on two hands, the type of bullshit I've endured because I wanted someone to love me unconditionally.

Here’s one instance.

I met “F” in 2018 through a friend. We’ll call her Jasmine. Jasmine posted one cute photo of me on her story, he saw it and then asked Jasmine for my number because he thought I was beautiful.

In case you’re wondering, I am BEAUTIFUL.

Moving on…

She asked if it was okay to give him my number,

I agreed,

She gave him and that's how it all started.

I was in my second year in Uni and he was done and was quite older than I was but that didn't stop the attraction from growing.

He did all the “right” things from calls to texts to the once-in-a-while words of encouragement and all that stuff. Simply put, he was doing the bare minimum, and I fell quickly.

We talked about meeting up and how I couldn't wait to see his handsome face yen yen yen. I was happy that I’d finally met the love of my life and on top of that, he lives alone!

Oh! The things we’d do, the fun we’d have, the movie night cuddles, the laughter, the kisses...

All this excitement and expectations for someone I hadn't even met. I was over the moon and I wouldn't be the single friend anymore. Sure enough, the day to finally meet came and I packed my bags. Boarded a bus and before you knew it, I’d arrived.

Now, this should be the end because we lived happily ever after and everything I dreamed of is becoming a reality. Right?


The person who greeted me at the door and then proceeded to play WHOT with his friends wasn't the man I thought I’d be watching movies with.

The man who barely acknowledged my existence as I sat in a corner with my bags for hours was definitely not the person I envisioned waking up to.

I was there feeling out of place as he ran around playing guest to other people while I sat there looking like a mumu, too chicken to say anything so I don't come off as rude.

Eventually, he decided to extend his hospitality to me.

“Are you hungry? What would you like to eat” He asked, toying with my hair.

“Me, I don't know but whatever is available I’ll eat, I’m so happy to see you though,” I said smiling.

“Well, since you haven't decided, I want to eat noodles. Would you like noodles as well? We can eat it together.” Finally! We’ll watch a movie while eating and all will be well again. I agreed then he stepped out.

I was still seated but this time I was alone.

He got back.

Walked straight to the kitchen.

Paused at the door then looked back.

“Why are you still sitting down there? Come and cook it na. Do you think I’ll cook it for you?”

I think say na joke o.

Flabbergasted, I walked to the kitchen to make the noodles. I didn't even bother eating because I’d lost my appetite at this point, I just wanted to take off these jeans and then go straight to bed.

“Babee!” I called out “Your food is ready o, oya be coming. It’s inside the pot”

He walked into the kitchen, looked at the noodles looked back at me with a funny look then said, “Oya serve it na. Which one is your food is ready? Abeg serve this thing and bring it for me inside parlour.”

“Wow,” I thought “This guy is really different from the man I was talking to. Abi na me no check for signs?”

I was so confused and sad and I felt quite unsafe, it was like I was dating a stranger. Technically he kinda was because we’d only been together for like two months?

Plus, I was still in these damn jeans!

He finally offered to show me to my room and my oh my!

Scattered panties,

Stained bed,

The room was a mess,

The bathroom was even worse.

At this point, I was done. 😂

In my mind, I was like this one no love me o. Oh well, maybe he’s just in a bad mood. We’ll try again tomorrow.

The next day came and I woke up to a half-naked lady next to me.

I didn't leave.

He prepared breakfast for everyone else except me.

I still didn't leave.

Everyone in the house was watching TV and having a swell time but pointedly ignored me when I tried to join in.

That was the last straw. I made up some excuse that I had to leave later that day and F had the galls to look offended because I wasn't going to stay the entire week.

I sha packed my bags and was walking to the bus stop alone, yes, alone when he messaged me “When am I going to see you again?”

Never. You're never going to see me again, I thought as I deleted the message and blocked him.

Now, you'd think I’d learnt my lesson and would give love a break so I can work on myself. Y’know, learn how to set boundaries and all that stuff.

No, I didn't do any of that.

Instead, I opened Tinder and began to swipe. Before the end of that day, I’d gotten a date with another potential partner.

The search for love continues..

The End.



Grace Amechi

Fiction. Non fiction. I’m here to channel my inner Chimamanda. ❤️